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Two Locations: Christiansburg, and Roanoke! Call 540-382-2871 for Christiansburg or 540-595-9147 for Roanoke
Two Locations: Christiansburg and Roanoke

CastleMagic Snow 2lb Bucket

Play Snow That Holds Its Shape: This sensory snow keeps its shape and allows for greater detailed impressions from snow castle; build an entire kingdom without your structures crumbling or falling apart; 2 pounds of Magic Snow Compound included Long-Lasting Play Snow: This is not your average play snow; adults and children alike will be delighted by the long-lasting packing ability of this snow; get everyone in on the fun and see who will be the next Master Builder in your family Stack High And Dig Tunnels: The castle magic snow holds its shape, is able to get minute details and depth, can be stacked up tall, and can hold up to tunnels burrowed through; the possibilities are endless with this play snow; get ready to reignite your castle crafting passion