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Two Locations: Christiansburg, and Roanoke! Call 540-382-2871 for Christiansburg or 540-595-9147 for Roanoke
Two Locations: Christiansburg and Roanoke

Braintopia Game

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BRAINTOPIA is a fast-paced brain Bender comprised of eight different challenges testing your mental focus, flexibility, and speed. Up to six players race through a deck of cards, fighting to keep up with the ever-changing mini-games and each solve the puzzles faster than their opponents. Collect brain tokens by beating a single tactile challenge or claiming a pair of cards from any of the other seven games: memory, maze, color, coordination, duplicates, frequency, and reasoning. The first player to four brain tokens wins the game! A fast-paced brain game for up to six players Eight mental challenges keep players on their toes Test your awareness, coordination, memory, and speed Touch challenges add sensory element to the game