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Two Locations: Christiansburg, and Roanoke! Call 540-382-2871 for Christiansburg or 540-595-9147 for Roanoke
Two Locations: Christiansburg and Roanoke

Goodnight My Mini Calin Doll

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18 months & up. Adorable, snuggly, and perfect for bedtime fun! This soft, perfectly sized doll is the ideal companion to take to bed with you. Dress her in her onesie and snuggle her throughout the day and when nighttime comes, slip her into her pink sleeper bag and bring her to bed with you. The doll's torso is plush and her face, arms and legs are made from soft vinyl, lightly scented with vanilla. Includes: 1 Mini Calin doll, 1 Pair of onesie pajamas with adorable designs, and a cute pink bag sleeper.