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Two Locations: Christiansburg and Roanoke

Rubik's Race Game

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SKU UGI01811
Shake the Scrambler to create a new Rubik's pattern. Slide the tiles to match the pattern on your board to the pattern in the Scrambler. Solve it! The first player to complete the match and slam down the center frame wins! Contains game base and center frame, 48 colored tiles, scrambler, 9 colored mini cubes, and instructions. Shake it - Slide it - Solve it! Competitive Rubik's Race from University Games is a head-to-head puzzle challenge Be the first to match the pattern on the scrambler and shut the frame Shake the scrambler and then race to slide your colored panels to mimic the pattern Contains game base, center frame, 48 colored tiles, scrambler, 9 colored mini-cubes and instructions For 2 players, ages 7 and up